Our Services Include:
- Organizational Needs Assessments
- Focus Groups and Listening Sessions
- Burnout Interventions
- One-on-One Consulting Sessions
- Personality Testing
- Employee Engagement Interventions
- Executive Leadership Team Coaching
- Survey Development and Analysis
- Stress Management Initiatives
- Team Enhancement and Development
- Customized Trainings and Workshops
WorkShops & Trainings
In-service workshops are available for your school, company, or organization. Workshops can range from 1 hour to full day and can meet virtually or live in-person.
Well U can custom design your workshop to meet your individual needs. Don’t see a workshop that interests you? Let us know and we will design one for you! For more information, please contact Dr. Andrea Macari at (516) 816-1425 or [email protected].
Well u course catalog
Becoming Mindful: Mindfulness as a practice has become a popular buzz word in society, but what exactly is it? And more importantly, how does one become mindful? This workshop will highlight the powerful benefits of mindfulness while also providing participants opportunities to practice this form of meditation.
Workplace as a Safe Haven: Workplace as a Safe Haven: Research has long demonstrated a relationship between the workplace and the mental health of its employees. This workshop reviews these studies and offers best practices for creating a positive and supportive work environment conducive to psychological well-being. Workshop is for administrators and managers only.
Depression in the Workplace: The CDC estimates that depression causes 200 million lost workdays annually and is a major source of disability, absenteeism and productivity loss in the workplace. Consequently, addressing employee depression is critical for retaining a robust workforce. This workshop will discuss depression, its effect on the employee and workplace, and offer specific evidence-based interventions for targeting depressive symptoms.
Psychological Safety 101: Research has demonstrated that optimal team performance is linked to an employee’s sense that they are “safe” to take interpersonal risks with coworkers without fear of negative consequences. This workshop will present best practices for teams so to improve outcomes. Participants will gain an understanding of the four conditions that establish psychological safety and practical tips on how to apply them. Workshop is for administrators and managers only.
Calm, Cool, and Collected: Avoiding Anger at Home and at Work: Do you find yourself often getting frustrated and angry at others? Do you struggle to effectively resolve conflicts at home and work? Participants will learn how to identify common anger triggers that get in the way of being productive and building healthy relationships. Participants will learn specific communication and conflict resolution strategies so to improve both relationships with coworkers and family. Workshop can be given to all employees or customized for specific departments struggling with conflict.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention: Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States with over 1 million people dying by suicide worldwide each year. We all can play a critical role in preventing suicide. Participants will learn best practices for assessing suicide risk and utilizing evidence-based intervention practices. This workshop can be tailored to administrators and managers only or offered to staff as a training opportunity.
Managing the Holidays: The holiday season is upon us! Why does a time which should be full of family and fun often lead to anxiety, depression, and conflict? Participants will learn specific coping strategies to alleviate some of the common stressors experienced around this time of the year.
Gifted and Challenged? Understanding the Twice Exceptional Student: Learners who are both gifted and learning disabled have special needs that often go unmet in the traditional school system. Early identification and assessment of these children pose unique challenges to both parents and their teachers. This presentation will highlight how schools and families can best meet the educational and social-emotional needs of twice exceptional learners.
From Struggle to Strength: Understanding the Dyslexic Reader in the Classroom and Beyond: With a prevalence rate of 20%, dyslexia represents 80-90% those with learning disabilities. Interestingly, these students struggle to read despite normal intelligence. This workshop highlights best practices for identifying these learners early in their education while offering specific intervention strategies based in the science of reading.